KWC Mini UZI CO2 Blowback Airsoft gun

(11 reviews)4.5
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$ 269.99

Total: $269.99

Type: Airsoft Rifle
Manufacturer: KWC
Model: Mini UZI
Materials: Metal and Polymer
Weight: 2177 g (4.8 lb)
Barrel: Metal, Smoothbore
Power Source: CO2
Action: Semi-Automatic/Full-Automatic, Blowback, Single Action Only
Ammo Type: Airsoft BBs 6mm
Ammo Capacity: 38 Rounds
FPS: 390

Trigger Pull: The trigger offers a remarkably light pull complemented by a smooth release.

Accuracy: Impressively accurate, even amidst the substantial blowback recoil.

Build Quality: The construction quality is superior, featuring a significant amount of metal, heft, and fine craftsmanship, ensuring a solid fit and finish. The gun is predominantly made of metal, except for certain parts of the outer receiver and the grips.

Realism: It closely resembles and feels like a genuine firearm. The primary distinctions are its use of airsoft BBs and slightly more plastic components compared to similar fully metallic pistols.


  • Incredibly authentic airgun version of the Mini UZI.
  • Constructed with metal in the essential areas.
  • Ideal as a training firearm due to its functionality mirroring that of a real Mini UZI.
  • The blowback action is exceptionally strong, surpassing that of a rimfire 22 caliber gun, which adds to the authentic shooting experience.
  • Designed to be easily field-stripped.
  • Features a robust full-auto firing mode.
  • Equipped with adjustable sights for better targeting.
  • Includes a highly functional and practical metal folding stock.


  • Rapid consumption of CO2 is a concern.
  • When the magazine runs out, the slide bolt doesn't remain open, leading to CO2 being used unnecessarily.
  • While some external parts are plastic, a full metal construction would have been preferable for enhanced realism.


This blowback airsoft gun is of high quality. Despite many websites advertising it as an all-metal gun, it includes some plastic parts, though the most frequently used parts are metal. The KWC Mini UZI closely resembles the actual Mini UZI, complete with many similar markings. Its intense blowback recoil, which is initially quite startling, adds to its realism, feeling stronger than the recoil of a rimfire .22 caliber firearm.

Buy the CO2: NSS1000-0001
Buy the Magazine:

Barrel Size:4.5 Inch
Caliber:6 mm (.24 cal)
Action:Semi/Fully Automatic
FPS:350 to 400
Ammo Type:Airsoft
Trigger Action:Single
Body Type:UZI
Blowback Action:Blowback
Barrel Length:11.4 cm (4.5 inch)

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Money Value
Jul 02, 2022

No compromise

The first time you shoot a full mag on full auto you instantly get reminded why KWC are Kings at making blowback metal replicas. RPM is insane, make sure you have silicone oil, airgun oil or some type of synthetic grease to make sure the bolt and rubber seals don’t dry out. Feels, looks and is about as accurate as the real deal. It’s a mini Uzi… you get the accuracy you paid for, that being said it’s still 100% worth the money. Very effective side arm, one point sling it and have fun impressing your friends or other players alike.
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Aug 22, 2021

Fun gun

This gun feels very realistic the blowback is phenomenal I can actually get about two mags with one CO2 my only issues with it is when a fresh CO2 cartridge is inserted the gun will shoot about 450 FPS.. I have not upgraded mine and I have used it quite often hoping it will sort itself out over time. Also can be quite inaccurate but I'm sure that can be fixed with heavier weighted BB's as with most CO2 airsoft guns with full auto this gun will break itself down over time so make sure to tighten every screw after every game mainly the charging handle.. other than that it's a fun little toy and I would honestly recommended as a sidearm.. and I mean it is kind of a head turner people love to look at it .
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Money Value
Mar 17, 2021

Fun lightweight shooter

As others have mentioned it's a bit of Co2 pig but is otherwise a fantastic gun. The gun is solidly built, not too much plastic. Great value, prompt service 5/5.
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Money Value
Dec 23, 2020


I buy by mistake this airsoft i wanted to but the bb Gunn uzi the day after i ordering the uzi bb gun too let me say thus airsoft are so NICE i hope is the same for the Uzi BbGun hell yeah you will not make a mistake if you buy this one fun for real i put 4/5 accuracy but maybe the problem is from the shooter hahaha Peace replicaaigun is now my favorite Bb Gun store im a french one sorry for my bad engliah
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Money Value
Aug 23, 2020

KWC Mini UZI Co2 Blowback Airsoft Pistol

Totally impressed, more than cool. Sucks on Co2 as everyone says but who cares if you are having fun. That's why you buy extra mags. While in fully auto., until you get used it' shoulder the stock & with your free hand, hold down the folding stock to your shoulder & let fire. Totally a experience & a OMG gun!!
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Money Value
Jul 20, 2020

�� Shet Range but Still Popping!!

*Only thing is range. If you're trying to use this as a primary weapon you better only play close quarter fields.* If it is close quarters you're playing or that you need a sick secondary, this uzi puts a smile on my face every time. That loud pop back feels so good, metal so it will last, after market kit options, you name it, this one gots it. everything but range!
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Money Value
Jan 29, 2020

Very convincing Uzi

I bought this gun a couple weeks ago and am very impressed with the quality and the feeling of holding a real Uzi, has plenty of metal. My only complaint is the Co2 runs out before the mag is empty. I suggest buying a couple other mags because loading it is not the fastest and it goes quick, but its the most fun you will have shooting bb's
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Jan 17, 2020

Whats not to like....well

Good solid mostly steel construction. KWC cheaped out on the plastic trigger guard. Mag loading is horrible... one BB at a time...There is no reason KWC could not have made this mag speed loader compatible. In semi auto it shoots quite nicely..and gas consumption is fair. But in full auto good luck it will eat one C)2 cylinder per mag. The bonus is that the blow back is fantastic. Nice heavy chunking. Its a fun pistol... don't expect it to be anything more than a good close range plinker. I like the swivel sling mounts. I WANT REPLICA TO GET THE THOMPSON SUB MACHINE GUN NOW!!!! SO I CAN BUY IT NOW!!!!
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Jun 10, 2019

KWC mini uzi review

Other then the rate of Co2 being eaten its great.
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Oct 16, 2018


This thing guzzles CO2, can just about hit the broad side of a barn, and is less comfortable than a 1911 (although 1911s can be comfortable after you get used to them). Its one redeeming quality is that it's a Full auto Gas blowback UZI BUY THIS THING NOW
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KSC M11 Airsoft & Daisy Power Line 2003 Pellet Update Video

KSC M11 Airsoft & Daisy Power Line 2003 Pellet Update Video

112 - 12/1/2021 11:01:11 PM

Every so often I come across some interesting guns that people are willing to trade or sell me, if the price is right or the trade involves a gun I can part with, then I go for it and hopefully end up with something I may not be able to get new or that for me is hard to acquire in Canada. My most recent trade added two new guns to the collection, a KSC M11A1 Airsoft Machine Pistol and a Daisy Power Line 2003 .177 Caliber Pellet Pistol. Read full article here: Buy BB Mini UZI in Canada: Buy Airsoft Mini UZI in Canada:

KWC Mini UZI BB Versus Airsoft Comparison Review - Table Top

KWC Mini UZI BB Versus Airsoft Comparison Review - Table Top

522 - 12/9/2021 9:05:44 PM

Type: CO2 Blowback Machine gun. Manufacturer: Cybergun - KWC. Model: Mini UZU. Materials: Metal and Polymer. Weight: 4.8 pounds. Barrel: Metal, non-rifled. Propulsion: CO2 x1. Action: BB Semi auto only - Airsoft selectable semi & full auto, single action only. Ammunition Type: 4.5mm Steel BB - 6mm Plastic Airsoft Ammunition Capacity: 25 - 38 rounds FPS: 350 - 400 In terms of build quality they are made almost exactly the same and weigh in at a hefty near 5 pounds, the only differences are the inner barrel and magazines to accommodate the different sized ammo. The BB version has a 25 round single stack magazine that does not have a follower to stop the bolt from continuing to operate even after the magazine is empty. While the 6mm Airsoft version has a double stack magazine that holds 38 rounds and does have a follower to stop the bolt which can save you some unintentional wasted CO2. Read full article here: Buy BB Mini UZI in Canada: Buy BB Mini UZI in the US: Buy Airsoft Mini UZI in Canada: Buy Airsoft Pistols in the US:

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