Replica Air Guns

Negative 14mm Rifle Hive Flash Hider

Out of Stock
$ 33.24

Total: $33.24

Founded in 2001 by enthusiasts for enthusiasts, Team Matrix is committed to enhancing the sport of Airsoft through providing high-quality, affordable Airsoft gear. With years of firsthand experience in Airsoft, our passion for the sport drives every aspect of our business. Matrix offers an extensive range of battle-ready replicas, from rifles to handguns, alongside a comprehensive selection of tactical gear, from helmets to footwear. Our goal at Matrix is to equip every Airsoft player with the gear they need for an unparalleled Airsoft experience!


  • A high-quality CNC machined Airsoft Flashhider equipped with a steel key ring and an adapter for versatility.
  • This flash hider is compatible with any Airsoft AEG, GBB, or barrel featuring a 14mm negative thread, ensuring a wide range of application.
  • Included with a 14mm negative threaded adapter, this setup allows the attachment of any compatible flash hider.
  • Enhance your Airsoft ensemble with a personal touch of style and uniqueness.


  • Manufacturer: Matrix
  • Material: Aluminum, Steel.

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