Condor Vanquish Cummerbund

Out of Stock
$ 34.36

Total: $34.36

Type: Vest
Material: Nylon
Medium-Large Size: adjustable from 863.6 mm - 1.06 m (34 inches - 42 inches around navel)
Large-X-Large Size: adjustable from 1.11 m - 1.32 m (44 inches - 52 inches)


  • Adjustable straps ensure a comfortable fit
  • Cross ties prevent sagging from occurring with heavy loads
  • Modular hook and loop flaps for attachments
  • Compatible with the Condor Vanquish Plate Carrier Vest


  • Vest and accessories not included
  • Cummerbund is not very useful when worn on its own

Comments: Stay primed for the battlefield with the Condor Vanquish Cummerbund. This tactical accessory can be added to a plate carrier vest for increased protection. The cummerbund comes fitted with modular hook and loop panels and adjustable straps. The Medium/Large size cummerbund can fit 152.4 mm (6 inches) x 305 mm (12 inches) soft armor side panels and the Large/X-Large size accommodates plates measuring 152.4 mm (6 inches) x 381 mm (15 inches). Available in black, olive drab, multicam, and coyote brown.

Colour:Olive DrabOlive DrabBlackBlackCoyote BrownCoyote BrownMulticamMulticam

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