Echo1 Precision (PSR) Bolt Action Sniper Rifle

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$ 224.99

Total: $224.99

Manufacturer: Echo1
Type: Airsoft
Caliber: 6mm
Max Velocity: 500 FPS
Action: Bolt Action
Ammo weight: .20g
Material: Metal / Polymer

The Echo1USA Precision Sniper Rifle (PSR) represents a new level of performance without breaking the wallet. The PSR clocks in at an amazing 500fps on 0.20g BBs out of the box. It is lightweight, not too long, highly upgradable, and perfect for a scout or sniper role.


  • Pre-upgrade sniper rifle with 500 fps
  • Able to use aftermarket VSR-10 parts.
  • Easy to use
  • Rigid polymer frame and metal barrel to increase accuracy

The PSR is a versatile spring powered bolt action sniper rifle that is affordable and highly upgradeable. It takes industry standard VSR parts.The safety is located at the rear of the action and is easy to reach. The hopup lever is located at the forend of the stock. It is a VSR type hopup unit with very responsive adjustment.The rail on top of the receiver is pre-installed to allow the operator to run magnification scopes for precision shots.

FPS:450 and Above
Ammo Type:Airsoft
Power Source:Spring-Piston
Ammo Weight:.20g
Body Type:Sniper
Primary Material:Metal & Polymer
Magazine Capacity:40

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