Raven X G.I. gun Belt

Out of Stock
$ 16.10

Total: $16.10

Type: Pistol Belt
Manufacturer: Raven X
Material: Nylon
Width: 57 mm (2.25 in)


  • Thick nylon webbing provides reliable support
  • Ideal base to attach holsters and drop leg panels
  • Metal clamps make size adjustments easy
  • Quick-release buckle allows for speedy removal


  • Does not come equipped with pouches or accessories
  • Plastic buckle is not as durable as metal

Comments: Build your tactical outfit uniform from the ground up with this G.I. style Raven X pistol belt! Attach holsters, magazine pouches, and drop leg platforms to keep all your gear within arm's reach. Can be adjusted to fit up to a 46" waist.


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