Umarex Brodax CO2 Steel BB Revolver

(16 reviews)4.8
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$ 69.99

Total: $69.99

Type: BB Revolver
Manufacturer: Umarex
Model: Brodax
Materials: Mostly plastic with some metal construction
Weight: 586 g (1.3 pounds)
Barrel: 5.5 inches, non-rifled
Power Source: 12 gram CO2 x 1
Action: Revolver, single and double action
Ammo Type: 4.5mm steel BBs
Ammo Capacity: 10 rounds
FPS: 375

Trigger Pull: The trigger pull on the Umarex Brodax CO2 BB Revolver is actually rather nice. If you decide to cock the hammer back and shoot it single action style then you get a little bit of that SAA Revolver like ratcheting sound. The trigger pull in single action mode is short with virtually no take-up and on the light side. Double action shooting with the Umarex Brodax CO2 BB Revolver is not overly long or heavy either so action shooting is totally possible with this BB shooting CO2 revolver.

Accuracy: I can not comment so far on the shooting performance for the Umarex Brodax CO2 BB Revolver since I have not shot it yet. The weather is getting nicer outside so that should happen pretty soon. The claimed FPS for the Umarex Brodax CO2 BB Revolver is stated at only 375 which I find seems a bit low for a non-blowback fairly straight forward BB pistol with an almost 6 inch barrel so hopefully my testing shows performance up into the 400's which I am hoping for. The open sights are non-adjustable but there are tons more options by taking advantage of the two rails top and bottom for adding either a red dot or laser to increased target shooting ability.

Build Quality: The Umarex Brodax CO2 BB Revolver is pretty much an all metal pistol with the outer shell being made up of plastic, there is a fair bit of internal metal going on along with the trigger, hammer and of course the inner barrel made out of metal parts. Mechanically the Umarex Brodax CO2 BB Revolver feels solid and even though it only weighs in at 1.3 pounds it feels much heavier in the hand.

Realism: The Umarex Brodax CO2 BB Revolver as far as I know is not an exact replica of any real steel gun currently in production. It's basically a spin off of an ultra tactical .44 magnum revolver with a super beefed up front barrel assembly sporting all kinds of accessory options to be placed on the top and bottom rails. I like that Umarex made sure to recess the barrel opening so it has a more realistic barrel size. Like many new CO2 airguns coming out these days the CO2 is not only well hidden inside the grips but a handy Allen key is built into the handle.


  • Not the heaviest revolver on the market but it feels really nice in the hand and has good balance, the weight is not bad at all and feels heavier than 1.3 pounds
  • Trigger action is really good in both single and double action, short light single action trigger and totally usable double action trigger
  • CO2 is well hidden with built-in Allen key in the handle
  • Rails top and bottom for all kinds of accessory add-on options
  • Barrel is recessed for that larger caliber look
  • Nice and discreet safety
  • Comes with three 10-shot easy to load rotary magazines
  • Low-cost with high fun factor

  • Grips are a bit hard to remove to get at the CO2, may work in over time?
  • All black sights are not great on dark backgrounds and are non-adjustable
  • Would have liked to see FPS into the 400 range

The Umarex Brodax CO2 BB Revolver when I first picked it up did not appeal to me all that much, maybe knowing it was for the most part yet another mostly plastic BB revolver with those thin pop in disc magazines didn't help me take notice much. But as I have been playing around with the Umarex Brodax CO2 BB Revolver it has grown on me a lot. I think it has a really cool look that is also very usable in terms of putting just about any accessory you want on this CO2 revolver. The hammer and trigger action are also both excellent for not just an inexpensive airgun but even a higher end airgun. And right out of the box, or should I say clam-shell plastic wrap, you get three rotary disc magazines which is a nice bonus.

Buy the magazine: UMX2254041

Barrel Size:5.5 Inch
Caliber:4.5 mm (.177 cal)
FPS:400 to 450
Ammo Type:Steel BB
Power Source:Co2
Rail Type:Weaver\Picatinny
Trigger Action:Double
Blowback Action:Non-Blowback
Rear Sight:Fixed
Front Sight:Post
Barrel Length:14 cm (5.5 inch)

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Money Value
Oct 14, 2023

Cheap but great

it is the most accurate one out of the box among my 2o2 pistols. Except this i polished the front sight of all my non adjustable CO2 pistols. it is mostly quality polymer. Grips are quality rubber. Single action trigger light enough and double action trigger better than my other pistols. spare magazines are nice top. in my opinion only downside maybe, front sight and rear sight alignment a bit blurry for my eyes. That's why i used a darker blqck paint for front sight's peak point and Pink for the aim point. Also white for rear sight to make dots. Two
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Money Value
May 30, 2022


This is an outstanding revolver, it feels good in the hand, the built quality and performance surpasses others sold at a much higher price. When me and my friend tested it, I loaded it with a Co2 cartridge and prepared to shoot the three clips and figured that the Co2 would only last for about 30 shots. We were in total disbelieve when after 90 shots, it was still going strong and we ended up shooting a little more then 100 pellets without having to change the cartridge. My friend was so impressed that he immediately ordered one for himself. I have other Airguns in my collection that have cost me 6 times more then this one and this revolver is now by far my favorite.
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Money Value
Nov 17, 2021

Umarex Brodax

Love my Pistol , and thinking of buying a rifle or oozy replica, thank you all , email for serious Sales !
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Money Value
Nov 17, 2021

Brodax bb rrvolver

This fine quality revolver is worth at least twice the cost. Even though it is not a specific replica, it performs as futuristic revolvers should. I highly recommend it. I have made more than 60 purchases from RAS & plan to make more.
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Money Value
Jun 11, 2021

Works as expected

Only rated it a 3 for accuracy , but I think my nickname might be " can't hit sh.t ".
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Mar 26, 2021


Love it. Feels good in the hand.
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Money Value
Nov 26, 2020

CO2 Steel BB Revolver

good item thank you
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Money Value
Jul 08, 2020

Great Value and Quality

Great bang for your buck for a beginner learning to shoot.
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Money Value
Jun 08, 2020


Je suis trēs satisfait de Mon achat. Merci
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Money Value
May 21, 2020

I love it. I've bought 2

I love this BB gun. Non blow back, mostly plastic, not 100% accurate, not based on any real model gun, but...I. Love. This. Gun. It feels amazing in the hand. Solidly built, I'd say feels just as good as some other models with metal. They nailed the shape beautifully. That CO2 cartridge built inside is fine because the the grip cover fit really tightly and snaps closed with no looseness at all. The hex key is built into the removeable grip but it is totally solidly constructed. The slide to release the 10 shot rotary magazine is a clever design. This gun kind of reminds me of the gun Harrison Ford has in Bladerunner; pretty cool. This is a great sporty BB gun. Great fun for plinking.
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Umarex Brodax CO2 BB Revolver Field Test Review

Umarex Brodax CO2 BB Revolver Field Test Review

512 - 11/4/2021 8:19:24 PM

This Field Test Shooting Video Review focuses on the performance aspects of the Umarex Brodax CO2 BB Revolver. I test it out to see what kind of velocity it can achieve as compared to the 375 fps Umarex states and I also conduct an accuracy test from 30 feet away to see how straight and true it shoots. My first test, the velocity or fps test I performed using my Chronograph shooting five 5.1 grain standard zinc coated steel BB's. The fps ranged very little from 370 to 382 fps with an average 5 shot reading of 374 feet per second. Keep in mind the temperature was not exactly warm on this day, somewhere around 10 Degrees Celsius so I was not expecting top fps readings so getting pretty much exactly what Umarex claimed the Umarex Brodax CO2 BB Revolver would get makes me think there may even be more potential on a nice hot summer day. Read full article here: Buy the Umarex Brodax BB Revolver in Canada:

Umarex Brodax CO2 BB Revolver Table Top Review

Umarex Brodax CO2 BB Revolver Table Top Review

443 - 11/4/2021 8:22:28 PM

Type: BB Air Revolver. Manufacturer: UmarexUSA. Model: Brodax Materials: Mostly plastic with some metal construction. Weight: 1.3 pounds (586 grams). Barrel: 5.5 inches, non-rifled. Propulsion: 12 gram CO2. Action: Revolver, single & double actions. Ammunition Type: 4.5mm steel BB's. Ammunition Capacity: 10 rounds. FPS: 375. The Umarex Brodax CO2 BB Revolver when I first picked it up did not appeal to me all that much, maybe knowing it was for the most part yet another mostly plastic BB revolver with those thin pop in disc magazines didn't help me take notice much. But as I have been playing around with the Umarex Brodax CO2 BB Revolver it has grown on me a lot. I think it has a really cool look that is also very usable in terms of putting juts about any accessory you want on this CO2 revolver. The hammer and trigger action are also both excellent for not juts an inexpensive Airgun but even a higher end airgun. And right out of the box, or should I say clam-shell plastic wrap, you get three rotary disc magazines which is a nice bonus. Read full article here: Buy the Umarex Brodax BB Revolver in Canada:

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