Umarex Legends M1A1 Full Auto CO2 Blowback Steel BB Rifle

(11 reviews)5.0
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$ 459.99

Total: $459.99

Type: Air Rifle / Machine Gun.
Distributer: Umarex
Model: Legends M1A1.
Materials: Mostly Metal build.
Weight: 7.75 pounds (3.5 kilograms)
Barrel: 12 inches - smooth bore steel.
Propulsion: 2x12 gram CO2.
Action: Internal BoltBlowback single action.
Ammunition Type: 4.5mm Steel BB's.
Ammunition Capacity: 30 round full size drop out magazine.
Max FPS: 435.

Trigger Pull: The trigger pull on the Umarex Legends M1A1 Blowback CO2 BB Machine Gun is single action only so you will need to charge the bolt for the first shot just like you would on the real steel Thompson M1A1, after that the blowback operation will charge the bolt which allows for semi and full auto shooting. Trigger pull is not very long or heavy.

Accuracy: I have not done my official Field Test Shooting Video for the Umarex Legends M1A1 Blowback CO2 BB Machine Gun but expect to to shoot in a similar manner to the Umarex Legends M1A1 Blowback CO2 BB Machine Gun. Stay posted for my future Field Test Shooting video coming later on.

Build Quality: The Umarex Legends M1A1 Blowback CO2 BB Machine Gun is pretty much all metal other than the stock and pistol grip. Pretty much everything that is black is going to be metal on this CO2 airgun. It weighs in at a hefty 7.75 pounds which is lighter than the real steel version by about 2 pounds but keep in mind the simulated plastic wood grips are a much lighter than real wood would be. Overall the fit and finish is really good, mechanical parts work well and seem to be well machined..

Realism: The Umarex Legends M1A1 Blowback CO2 BB Machine Gun is a 1 to 1 replica of the real steel World War II Thompson M1A1 Machine Gun and is very authentic looking with similar operation. Even the magazine holds 30 rounds just like the real steel Thompson M1A1. The blowback operation will give you a little bit of that shoulder tap but of course nothing like a 45 caliber M1A1. As expected in today's Replica Airguns the barrel is recessed to give it a larger opening and the CO2 screw is hidden well enough. I would like to see at least a real wood kit for the Umarex Legends M1A1 Blowback CO2 BB Machine Gun which would not lonely look even better but also increase the overall weight closer to the 10 pound real steel weight.


  • Yet another Classic Legends Replica Airgun from Umarex, maybe one of the best to date.
  • Mostly all metal design with good overall weight.
  • Semi and Full auto select-ability.
  • Dual CO2 design for increased shots and less cool down effect.
  • High capacity 30 round full size drop out metal magazine.
  • Umarex went with less rounds to get away from the double stay configuration of the 50 round Legends MP40 which was not always dependable.
  • Great looking replica of the real steel M1A1 in looks, operation and feel.
  • Internal bolt blowback will give a bit of recoil feedback feel.
  • Simulated wood looks very realistic.
  • Recessed barrel for added realism.


  • Real wood hardware would have been cine and added it of additional weight. Maybe Umarex will offer this down the road?
  • Price is getting up there a bit but still worth it if you are an M1A1 fan, imagine what a real one would cost?
  • Going to eat up CO2 quickly in full auto mode but you can always switch over to semi auto.

Another great Legends product from Umarex, maybe even the best one so far. The only issues I had with the Umarex Legends MP40 was the double stack magazine feeding dependability with the 50 round double stack magazine not always feeding consistently. Umarex went back to a less aggressive closer to a single stack magazine on the Umarex Legends M1A1 Blowback CO2 BB Machine Gun which has a fewer rods but is expected to feed more consistently. I am looking forward to getting out and actually shooting the Umarex Legends M1A1 Blowback CO2 BB Machine Gun when I make my Field Test Shooting video. My advice right now with uncertainties about if and when we will get new inventory is buy now if you are in a position to as I am not sure how long they will last and when we will be able to get more stock.


Buy the Magazine: UMX2251821

Caliber:4.5 mm (.177 cal)
Action:Semi/Fully Automatic
FPS:400 to 450
Ammo Type:Steel BB
Power Source:Co2
Body Type:1911
Blowback Action:Blowback
Rear Sight:Fixed
Front Sight:Fixed
Primary Material:Metal, Wood, Polymer
Magazine Capacity:30

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Mar 02, 2024

Umarex M1A1

Absolutely awesome replica
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Money Value
Mar 30, 2023
Certified buyer

Best of the three Umarex "legends"

This is a beautiful BB gun -- looks great and feels great and the controls are very close to the original including the safety and selector. Magazine feeds like a dream which is probably in part because it doesn't try to hold that much. You'll refill a lot! Accuracy is surprisingly good and the sight picture is wonderful. The plastic furniture lets it down a little and feels cheap -- if there was a wood stock and grip kit out there I would scoop that up in a second.
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Sep 07, 2022
Certified buyer

Feels like it's built to last for DECADES

Disclaimer: I've fired about 15,000 BBs through mine so far and have done basic disassembly for cleaning and maintenance twice. 1) You will notice out of the box is that the faux wood furniture looks incredibly close to real wood. This furniture is made of a smooth-surfaced polymer, but it doesn't feel hollow and it's sturdily mated onto the metal receiver. 2) Hefty, especially with the magazine. All parts other than the grip, handguard, and stock are full metal. It may feel a bit front-heavy because the stock isn't wood, but if you hold your support hand on the top of the magazine to fire, it balances well. If wood furniture ever becomes available, it may well be as heavy as the real version when installed. 3) Full-auto CO2 gas blowback is fantastic. The recoil is not as hard as the real .45 or a .22 version, but it is very noticeable and still decent compared to other hard-kicking steel BB blowback guns like the Crosman R1 or the KWC Mini Uzi. 4) Excellent build quality. It feels like it's built to last for DECADES. Although most parts are probably MIM with bits of steel here and there, the metal is solid and built heavy. Of note, the MIM parts are finished in a matte-black paint, not natural gun-metal like the real one. As mentioned before, the polymer furniture feels solid, too. All of the controls work as intended and have a precise, tactile feel. Being a simple blowback design, it's designed to last and appears to be easy to maintain and repair in the future. Internally, it's easy to disassemble, clean, and oil. After 15,000 rounds, I see barely any wear on the finish internally or externally. The wear is mainly from inserting and removing the magazine (which can be replaced). The key is to be very generous when applying oil and apply it whenever you can on the magazine and magazine well. I expect to apply a very light layer of Duracoat on worn surfaces in the future. The gun seems to be holding up superbly from the constant full-auto recoil. Between three magazines, I have zero functional issues, including feeding. 5) The performance is decent. This smoothbore historical replica is meant for recreational full-auto fun, so I never expected high performance. Accuracy seems to be fair on single fire. Hitting cans at 20 yards is no issue. I have not measured the FPS on mine, but it seems fair. Rate of fire is high - on full-auto, you will go through the magazine in 3 seconds. Being a Thompson replica, it will naturally take some time to get used to the manual of arms and it will be slower to manipulate than modern replicas. If you want a full-auto, gas-blowback, steel BB, historical replica that's built to last, this is a great pick. If you're in Canada, you should hurry up and buy it, especially with the incoming legislation. It might be your last chance. I wanted a neat BB long gun that would last a generation and I got it. Be sure to lubricate generously and buy extra mags while they're available. Functionally, the mags are the most important part of the gun. Mine was shipped out of Replica Airguns quickly and arrived in new, fully-working condition as expected. Overall, incredibly happy with my purchase.
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Sep 18, 2021
Certified buyer

Smile Maker

Always wanted a Thompson but could never afford. I read the reviews on YouTube before purchasing. Once I got it I found out why there wasn’t a bad review. This gun is so cool! I have handled and fired a real Thompson and this Umarex Legends is a true replica in every way but the type of ammunition it shoots. Would be excellent as a prop for a war or gangster movie ��. The single shots are quite accurate at 30 feet. Switch to full auto and you can’t stop smiling it is that much fun. I have fired at least 500 rounds without a single issue. I get at least 5 clips out of each load of CO2 which, in my opinion, is pretty darn good. If you are considering this, don’t hesitate to buy it. You’ll have a big smile on your face as soon as you open the box and even bigger one when you pull the trigger.
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Aug 05, 2021
Certified buyer

Pure fun

This gun is some fun to use. I was impressed on how tight the accuracy is in full auto. At about 20 feet all 30 rounds within a 2 inch circle. It is pretty accurate once you get used to the sight. So far everyone that tried it had a big smile on their face. That's including the wife... my only issue is the plastic stock sounds hollow. I just shoved a few rags in the stock and it doesn't sound as hollow now. I highly recommend this gun if you are in the market for a vintage replica gun.
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Money Value
Jun 25, 2021

Would buy again, but, probably wont have to!

Quality: Build The frame and magazine are full metal, the paint sticks well to the gun and hasn't worn off yet after months of use. Quality: Feel Feels Heavy and durable, might be too heavy for some for all dau shooting, however, a sling solves this issue. I have the faux wood or fake wood on mine but may purchase some wood and make a real wood stock as the weight of the rifle os of no concern. Taping on the fake wood with your fingernail gives the fake wood away but if you are to close your eyes and run your finger along the stock or grip it feels as good as fake wood can get! Easy to switch between full and semi-auto however, this is a fully manual switch.. meaning, there is no spring to assist in pushing or moving your select fire, you must turn the fire selection the full 180°. This is not a con, nor a pro, just an observation. It has not hindered the gun in any way. Quality: Look Looks the part, with manufacturer markings and caliber as well as the fake wood gives the look of every old Tommy you've ever seen in a movie. Personally, would use this as a prop! Amazing job 11/10 on looks! Accuracy: Semi-auto: This gun has non-adjustable rear and front peep sight and post, however, out of the box this this is accurate as hell at 30+feet �� �� just gotta learn how to use the sights, for those who don't know how, I have a Peep Sights section of the review for you! Accuracy: Full Auto: If you've never had a Giggle Switch on your airguns before and haven't used a full auto yet.. this is the gun to do it on! I've used many full auto gas airsoft and some steel bb, but this takes the cake! Ever wanted to have 30 bbs flying in the air toward your target at the same time? No? Well, your about to find out something you didn't know about yourself with this beast!! You can empty a mag by the time you finish saying One Mississippi, in saying this, you can still manually give a burst by a quick trigger pull and release.. however, I have not mastered the 3rd burst as this gun can spit out bbs faster than you can spit out your drink while watching this gun full auto a can. Still, will all this being said, hold the gun firm, set up a row of cans.. pull your trigger and drag the barrel across the horizon and it just cuts them down. Not the best accuracy i've seen out of a full auto but its in my personal top 5! Peep Sights: If you think you're eyes aren’t good enough to use peep sights, you may have it backwards. Overall peep sights improve your sighting precision, which is why many armies have used them for the past 140 years! Your eye concentrates on the front sight and the target. You can forget about the rear sight as your brain automatically centers the target and the correct portion of the front sight without you having to think too much. To Use, just look through the peephole, that’s 75% of it right there.. Learn to keep your eyes open and things will work for you. Value: Gun: Worth every penny, even if it just sits out on display. Great addition to any collection. Good bang for your buck, simple and straightforward design and operation! Amazing engineering. Value: Accessories Unless your planning to mod your gun, which, once I replace the fake wood for real wood I might do, you don't have the option to be Tacti-Cool. There are no rails on this gun for accessories, this is not a con as this is the way the OG tommy was made, you don't NEED to add anything. Dont fix whats not broken.. right? But if i was to mod this, id add a flash light or green laser into the front of the stock with a pressure pad. Maybe a Bi-pod. But that would just be for bragging rights, doesn't need anything but a sling. And it has a sling attachment, just need to get one for mine, buying one today. Value: Operation Ouf, this is the only con, but this con goes for any gun thats got a Giggle Switch. Semi-auto doesn't use much co2.. full auto however, uses both co2 in 3ish mags.. give rather than take with that "ish'. Every full auto co2 powered gun you use will have you looking where to buy bulk 12g co2, this gun is no exception. I personally don't see this as a major con, as co2 is found at most sports stores for about 40$+tax for 40Co2 making it about 2$ every 3 mags. I can afford that, so there for this is not a con for me, however.. don't not buy this gun or other full autos on this comment alone. Having a full auto in my collection was the best choice i've made, can't tell you how many smiles its given me and my friends! Worth every penny! Overall, I love this gun. Goes great with my 1911 Colt Commander (The only model of 1911 worth buying, licensed and durable with a mule of a kick back for an air pistol, making it feel as close to a .22 as ur gonna get!) Currently have a Beeman QB bolt as my rifle but will be getting an M1 to complete my ww2 collection. If you have the money, buy this gun, its cool its functional and it hits heavy. Trust me, shot nearly everything with this.. from can to plates �� to thick dollar store glass bugs.. it goes through em all! Beer bottle? Np. The biggest and only con for me, the cost of a spare mag. But thats a con for every mag with internal co2.. Hope this review helps you, but don't buy it on my word alone, watch as many videos as you can and you'll see exactly what i'm talking about. PLAY SAFE, PLAY HARD. STAND AGAINST THE AIRGUN BAN - BILL C21
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Money Value
Mar 25, 2021

Realistic and Fun to Shoot

I have owned this rifle for 11 months now. It is a pretty heavy gun to shoot with. The rifle is very well made and very authentic looking, including the simulated wood. I love the high capacity 30 round magazine, but recommend you buy another mag or two, because once you start shooting the M1A1, you will not want to stop shooting until you are either out of bbs or out of CO2 cylinders. I found this air rifle to be very accurate, consistently within a 2 inch circle from 30 feet away (not using any rifle rest etc). Just a great shooting experience that is just as enjoyable now as when I first bought it.
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Mar 08, 2021

Outstanding Gun!

I've owned this gun for a month (birthday gift) now and it's also my first full auto. Absolutely terrific gun! Nothing like shredding targets in about 2-seconds as you unload 30 rounds. The semi-auto mode is great, the accuracy is spot on every time at 40' to 50'. This gun is my most accurate gun hands down. My only beef with this gun is the handle is a little loose even after I tightened it. This still doesn't greatly affect the gun. I can live with it. I recommend anyone buying this gun buy a few more cartridges, the full auto unloads in a couple of seconds so loading a few cartridges prior to use will allow you to quickly drop and reload your gun. This will allow you to enjoy the gun and take in the full experience without having to take the time to reload the 1 cartridge that comes with your M1A1 . Umarex has done it again with this beauty. Hats of to Umarex. Keep these high-quality airguns coming! Cheers Lee
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Feb 19, 2021

love this bbgun

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Feb 14, 2021


this puppy looks and feels like the real thing. No jamming. consistent shots. good thing i bought lotsa BB's .I recommend this beauty to anyone who likes the style.
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Umarex Legends M1A1 Blowback CO2 BB Machine Gun Field Test Review

Umarex Legends M1A1 Blowback CO2 BB Machine Gun Field Test Review

1314 - 9/3/2021 6:29:07 PM

At SHOT Show this year Umarex introduced the Legends M1A1 Blowback CO2 BB Machine Gun which pretty much everyone seemed to like. The MP40 was their last Legends Full Auto BB Machine gun and it was also a big hit. In this Field Test Shooting Video I get to have some fun testing out the Umarex Legends M1A1 Blowback CO2 BB Machine Gun and see if not only does it look awesome but does it shoot awesome? Read full article here: Buy the Umarex Legends M1A1 Blowback CO2 BB Machine Gun in Canada: Buy the Umarex Legends M1A1 Blowback CO2 BB Machine Gun in the US:

Umarex Legends M1A1 Blowback CO2 BB Machine Gun Table Top Review

Umarex Legends M1A1 Blowback CO2 BB Machine Gun Table Top Review

421 - 9/3/2021 7:15:35 PM

Type: Air Rifle / Machine Gun. Distributer: Umarex Model: Legends M1A1. Materials: Mostly Metal build. Weight: 7.75 pounds (3.5 kilograms) Barrel: 12 inches - smooth bore steel. Propulsion: 2x12 gram CO2. Action: Internal Bolt Blowback single action. Ammunition Type: 4.5mm Steel BB's. Ammunition Capacity: 30 round full size drop out magazine. Max FPS: 435 Another great Legends product from Umarex, maybe even the best one so far. The only issues I had with the Umarex Legends MP40 was the double stack magazine feeding dependability with the 50 round double stack magazine not always feeding consistently. Umarex went back to a less aggressive closer to a single stack magazine on the Umarex Legends M1A1 Blowback CO2 BB Machine Gun which has a fewer rods but is expected to feed more consistently. I am looking forward to getting out and actually shooting the Umarex Legends M1A1 Blowback CO2 BB Machine Gun when I make my Field Test Shooting video. My advice right now with uncertainties about if and when we will get new inventory is buy now if you are in a position to as I am not sure how long they will last and when we will be able to get more stock. Read full article here: Buy the Umarex Legends M1A1 Blowback CO2 BB Machine Gun in Canada: Buy the Umarex Legends M1A1 Blowback CO2 BB Machine Gun in the US:

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